Spring 2025 Courses

a collection of official, student-led courses about unique academic topics. all courses count as electives (unless otherwise stated) and are open to all students in every college.

SPAN 197: Merengue and More: Latino Dance Lessons and Artist Study

1 Credit | Wednesday 4 PM - 5:15 PM
Designed and Instructed by Victor Frolenko & Elana Laing

About the Course

Emotions have a way of sticking to memory that most other things don’t. By incorporating exciting, artistic, and socially meaningful content, students are given something to remember. This class focuses on dance and music styles, which can then be broken down into two parts; dance instruction and lyrical analysis. Throughout the semester, students will be educated on the different Latin Social Dance styles, and the popular songs that can be danced to those styles. Students will also have the chance to connect with the community, and create artistic works of their own.

COMM 197-001: Introduction to Formula One

1 Credit | Monday 4:40 PM to 5:30 PM
Designed and Instructed by Jason Agnoli & Ayaan Umar

About the course

This course will explore the fast paced world of the pinnacle of motorsport. Students will discuss and analyze the history, science, politics, and strategy of Formula One. Whether you're a superfan or have never seen a Grand Prix, this course will cover everything you need to know to be a top fan.


Spring 2024 Student Instructors

Spring 2024 Courses

COMM 197-001: Introduction to Formula One

1 Credit | Mondays, 4:40-5:30 PM
Designed and Instructed by Chase Adler & Jason Agnoli

About the course

This course will explore the fast paced world of the pinnacle of motorsport. Students will discuss and analyze the history, science, politics, and strategy of Formula One. Whether you're a superfan or have never seen a Grand Prix, this course will cover everything you need to know to be a top fan.

HIST 197-001: Entertainment Media

1 Credit | Mondays, 3:35-4:25 PM
Designed and Instructed by Maddie Smith

About the course

In this day of age, history is told in ways other than just textbooks; in this course, we will observe how the entertainment media we consume on a daily basis inadvertently teaches us about the past.

Spring 2023 Student Instructors

Fall 2023 Courses


COMM 197-001: Introduction to Formula One

1 Credit | Mondays, 4:40-5:30 PM
Designed and Instructed by Chase Adler

About the course

This course will explore the fast paced world of the pinnacle of motorsport. Students will discuss and analyze the history, science, politics, and strategy of Formula One. Whether you're a superfan or have never seen a Grand Prix, this course will cover everything you need to know to be a top fan.


HDFS 197-001: Navigating Your 20’s

2 Credits | Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:25-2:15 PM
Designed and Instructed by Scott Rochman & Adam Turk Karan

About the course

Adulting is hard! Whether it's financial decisions, interpersonal relationships, or finding a healthy balance between work and our personal life, there are so many topics to navigate as we transition into adulthood. Join us as we learn together from guest speakers and hands-on activities and prepare for our next step in life.


CED 297-002: Exploring Sustainability in Local Food Systems

3 Credits | Fridays, 1:25-4:55 PM
Designed and Instructed by Vancie Peacock

About the course

Exploring Sustainability in Local Food Systems is a hands-on, experiential learning-based course where you will learn and practice hands-on regenerative farming at the Ross Student Farm, take a behind-the-scenes tour of Penn State’s Housing and Food Services, visit community gardens and food pantries, take a seed-saving workshop, and more!


Previous Courses

Fall 2023

HDFS 197: Navigating Your 20’s

COMM 197-002: Introduction to Formula One

CED 297-002: Exploring Sustainability in Local Food Systems


SPring 2023

HDFS 197: Navigating Your 20’s

ENG 197: Rhetoric & Rap

COMM 197-001: Bioethics in Media

COMM 197-002: Introduction to Formula One


Fall 2022

COMM 197: Introduction to Formula One

APLNG 297: The Language of the Internet

MUSIC 297: The Art of Collaboration

MUSIC 297: "Play it Again:" The Role of Music in Video Games


SPring 2022

AFAM297: Anti-Blackness in America

THEA 297: American Musical Theatre History: 9/11 to COVID-19

CAS 297: Period Talk: The Impact of Stigma on the Menstrual Equity Movement

WMNST 197: Girls on Film

PHIL 297: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

PHIL 297: Colonialism and Violence

COMM 197: Introduction to Formula One

ENGL 197: Critique and Kid Cudi: Analyzing Hip-Hop

CRIM/WMNST 197: Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community

COMM 197: Bioethics in Media

IST 297: Conversations with Interactive Media

FaLL 2021

AFAM297: Anti-Blackness in America

ANTH 197: Museum Repatriations

GER 83: Dutch Culture: Art, History, and Society

CMLIT 97: Fanfiction as a Literary Genre

AFR 297: Neocolonialism in Africa

ANTH 197: Rural-Urban Migration

ENGL 197: Abolition: For Liberation

WMNST 197: Girls on Film

ANTH 197: The Social Strategy of “Survivor”


BA 397: Act Now for a Sustainable Future

CED 497: The Impact of Drug Cartels on Development in Rural Latin America

EDUC 197: Supporting Students’ Mental Health

ENG 197: Unpacking the Cultural, Ethnic, and Racial Diversity in Disney Films

MUSIC 297: Music and the Mind: An Introduction to Music Psychology

RLST 197: The Roman Liturgy Since 1900

THEA 497: American Musical Theatre History: From 9/11 to COVID-19

WMNST 197: B.B.W.: The Miseducation and Underrepresentation of the Big Black Woman

FALL 2020

CAMS 197: Church and State in Pre-Islamic Iran

ENGL 197: The Horror of Writing

GER 83: Dutch Culture: Art, History, and Society

RSLT 197: Introduction to the Goddess


ANTH 197: Bias in the Healthcare System

CAS 197(c): Criticism and Kanye

CAS 197(d): Legal Reasoning and the LSAT

CED 497: Humane Economics

Workshop Series: Digital Product Design